Thursday, March 25, 2010

Affordable Residrntial Solar Wind Power Home Kits -- What You Need To Know

Affordable Residrntial Solar Wind Power Home Kits When it comes to windmill design there are a number of considerations that you need to make before deciding concerning how to build your wind turbine.

There are a large number of designs that you could go with, the commonest being vertical or horizontal, but which you use is reliant upon two factors. A vertical turbine has blades that stand vertically from the ground, and a horizontal design is the most typical design ( the turbine configuration that bigger wind farms use ).

Check out this guide which shows you how to build solar panels

By bothering to consider at least 2 factors first, you are going to be able to ensure that your wind turbine produces clean, green, energy for many years to come. In this post we are going to look at two elements that can help you select the right windmill design, and make the most out of your do it yourself wind energy project.

Windmill Design - Considering Wind Speed

The first consideration is patently wind speed. Most likely you've already considered this before deciding that wind power was an acceptable solution for you, but we want to look at it again before choosing whether to create a vertical wind turbine or a horizontal design.  If you want information on wind speeds, there are links to various wind maps on our DIY wind turbine page. Looking to get off the grid? Search for this " Affordable Residrntial Solar Wind Power Home Kits "

after you know the average wind speed for your area, deciding on a design is simple.

1.  If you live in an area where wind averages around 8mph then a vertical windmill design is most suited to you. Vertical blades will turn simpler with the wind, and you can simply add a gear box to increase the actual rotation at the generator if you need to.

2.  If you live in an area where wind speeds average 12mph, ideally a little more than that, then a horizontal design is likely more acceptable.  With three blades facing horizontal to the wind you will be able to capture more wind power and in turn revolve your generator shaft quicker ( frequently as fast as 600rpm ) Affordable Residrntial Solar Wind Power Home Kits Can be the solution if you are looking to get off the grid.

Windmill Design - Considering Location

the following significant concern is location. This element is very important if in the first step you determined a horizontal blade configuration was best. With blades facing the wind, and typically a rotational circumference of six feet or more, you must be in a position to get the entire turbine up into the wind. If there are trees or building blocking the wind, you could be better of returning to a vertical blade design.

A vertical design will take less wind to turn it, and therefore is more acceptable if there are some things stopping you from getting a 6-foot-diameter turbine up into the wind. The downside to vertical blades is they don't revolve as fast and won't be in a position to produce as much power without making use of a gearbox to extend the revolution at the turbine.

For more information about windmills see these sites about building windmills at home

With 2 easy concerns you presently have the knowledge you want to pick the right windmill design and ensure your wind turbine provides clean power for many years to come.

One term that has become popular online is Affordable Residrntial Solar Wind Power Home Kits

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